Hooray for spring! The next Brown Meetup is here.

The first Brown University Meetup of 2012 is on APRIL 17th at 7pm!

At the end of January we made a massive call for volunteers to speak at one of our meetups. We received an amazing amount of responses; almost 100 members of the community expressed interest. We'd like to thank everyone who replied; we appreciate your support and passion for making this meetup great, and giving us the momentum to run the meetup monthly!
Now up on April 17, enjoy short presentations by recent and not-so-recent Brown graduates at our casual classroom-style meetup.
We're looking at a delightful lineup this time around:
  • Brandon Diamond, '08, "Your startup sucks: lessons learned the hard way", Board Member of the New York Tech meetup, Founder of NYHacker and one of the original founders of THIS VERY MEETUP!. 
  • Maggie Cheney, '06, "Food Justice: Urban Agriculture, Youth and Community. EcoStation:NY and the Bushwick Campus Farm", Farmer, educator, social justice advocate, currently Co-Director of EcoStation:NY and teacher for Just Food's Farm School NYC
  • Michael Morgenstern, '08, "42 ways to change the world with film", Independent film director with a short film on the festival circuit. In development on a feature, TV show, second short, and a nonprofit website. Film teacher and web programmer.
Come to hear people speak and figure out who's who from Brown in New York.
We'll be asking for $5, payable here: http://www.meetup.com/The-NYC-Brown-University-Meetup/events/56986182/
Snacks, refreshments, and name-tags will be provided.